Join us Sunday at 10:15am for Worship
Join us Sunday at 10:15am for Worship
Fairhill Manor has proclaimed the love of God to our community and world since 1903.
We work together as a family of God, giving of our blessings of time, talent and money.
We do this through our Ministries.
Our congregation gathers each Sunday morning to worship God through prayer, scripture and song. Our music ministry, including the choir and instrumental music, helps us focus on praise and worship.
We gather around the Lord’s Table to be spiritually renewed in the presence of Christ.
In addition to our weekly Sabbath, we worship on Ash We
Our congregation gathers each Sunday morning to worship God through prayer, scripture and song. Our music ministry, including the choir and instrumental music, helps us focus on praise and worship.
We gather around the Lord’s Table to be spiritually renewed in the presence of Christ.
In addition to our weekly Sabbath, we worship on Ash Wednesday, during Holy Week, at sunrise on Easter and on Christmas Eve.
Our children learn the stories of the faith each week from trained Storytellers and Greeters through hands-on, age-appropriate worship in our Children Worship & Wonder Sanctuary.
We seek to integrate our members fully in the life of our congregation and to care for them especially in times of need.
Every active member is assigned to an Elder Shepherd who assists the Pastors in maintaining contact throughout the year, addressing concerns and offering care, support, and Communion at home, in care facilities and in
We seek to integrate our members fully in the life of our congregation and to care for them especially in times of need.
Every active member is assigned to an Elder Shepherd who assists the Pastors in maintaining contact throughout the year, addressing concerns and offering care, support, and Communion at home, in care facilities and in the hospital.
Our Prayer and Care Card Ministry adds tangible signs that our congregation is praying and cares.
Our congregation is known for being very friendly and quickly welcoming visitors in our midst.
The church offers support to grieving families during the time of a loved one’s death and for months following. Our pastors perform marriage services, child dedications and baptisms.
We are growing in our faith and in our relationships with God and each other by wrestling with Scripture together, reflecting on how its message intersects with our lives.
We are learning about the Bible and forming community through Sunday school classes for ages 5 - Adult.
While we are always interacting with each other, fellowship events give us intentional times to work together and get to know each other better and in different ways. We often fellowship around meals, like during our annual Church Picnic, after-worship luncheons, and Sunday school class outings. We fellowship as we serve, like during the
While we are always interacting with each other, fellowship events give us intentional times to work together and get to know each other better and in different ways. We often fellowship around meals, like during our annual Church Picnic, after-worship luncheons, and Sunday school class outings. We fellowship as we serve, like during the Drive-Thru Nativity, Souper Bowl Sunday and the Hanging of the Greens in our Sanctuary. We fellowship as we celebrate, like during our Easter morning breakfast, our Sunday School Christmas breakfast and play, and our class and group holiday parties.
Fairhill Manor has always responded to the call of Christ to serve, not only our own members, but the community of Washington and to the ends of the earth. We contribute through the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Disciples Mission Fund to support the General Ministries of the church and our colleges and universities. In add
Fairhill Manor has always responded to the call of Christ to serve, not only our own members, but the community of Washington and to the ends of the earth. We contribute through the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Disciples Mission Fund to support the General Ministries of the church and our colleges and universities. In addition, we respond to emergency needs around the world through the Week of Compassion. Locally, we work through the Community Circle Food Pantry, the City Mission and the Salvation Army. We house The Literacy Council of SW PA and three Narcotics Anonymous chapters.
This Ministry stewards the financial resources of the church and works to develop an understanding of the full meaning of Christian stewardship in our congregation.