Join us Sunday at 10:15am for Worship
Join us Sunday at 10:15am for Worship
Most people visit our congregation for the first time on Sunday morning for worship. You are welcome to join us in the Sanctuary, on Zoom or via Facebook to do the same! Read more about what to expect below.
Classes available for Age 5 - Adult
Sunday after Labor Day through Pentecost
Park in the large parking lot behind our building.
You will see folks wearing all sorts of different clothing, from very casual to more dressy. Wear what makes you feel comfortable.
Hearing assistance devices, bulletins, and gluten-free communion wafers are available as you enter. A Greeter or Usher will be happy to help you find these.
You may contribute to the ministries of our congregation by placing your offering (cash or check) in the Offering plate during the service. You may also give using the Givelify app. We will bless the offerings during worship.
We share our joys and concerns via text message or by filling out a green prayer slip in the pew-back pockets. The green slips are collected at the end of the Welcome and Announcements time.
The bulletin with the Order of Worship is available on our website in addition to paper copies.
We ask that you leave the Sanctuary through the back doors. Please take everything with you. There are containers in the Narthex for recycling bulletins and communion cups.
A generous, compassionate, and loving congregation who will be so glad to meet and welcome you.
Here you will find folks who are excited about their faith in Jesus Christ and who are actively learning, growing, and serving together.
We celebrate Communion weekly. Everyone who follos Jesus is welcome to share.
Our worship services last about an hour and fifteen minutes. They are filled with greeting, sharing joys and concerns, prayer, traditional and contemporary music, time with children, hearing and proclaiming the Word, sharing gifts, and celebrating the Lord’s Supper.
A “This is What You Must Believe” statement. As Disciples, we have “no creed but Christ.”
There is no test for belonging, other than the simple question we’ll ask if you decide to become a part of our community: “Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God?”
We value freedom of opinion, and admit we will not always agree on every matter under heaven. Regardless, we still commit to being the church together and learning from one another, and are open to being challenged and thinking critically about our beliefs.
You won't find perfect people here. Faith in Christ is a life-long journey. If you’re looking for perfect people, keep looking. But here, you may find people a lot like you: people with real struggles, fears, doubts, and hopes, yet people who are genuinely striving everyday to love God and each other more.
We love the sounds of children in worship!
Children will be invited to come to the front of the Sanctuary for the Children's Message. The person leading the Children's Message will talk to the children for a few minutes about one of the day's Scriptures or a relevant theme. After praying together, the children can follow the Greeter to the Children Worship & Wonder Sanctuary, or they may return to their seats.
We celebrate Communion every Sunday.
Those worshiping via Zoom and Facebook gather whatever they have at home that can serve as "bread" and "cup."
We will partake of communion together during the service.
Zoom login information can be found in the Manor Minutes.
Read more information about how we are worshiping together during this time here.
Contact the Church Office at (724) 225-8610 or